29 May 2006

What Makes a Man?

One issue that has been on my mind lately is: What does it take to be a man? This is a question that I though I knew the answer to. But apparently, I didn't.

There are all sorts of ways to answer this question: biologically, legally, culturally, etc. All of these have set answers. But what about the most important way to be a man: in the eyes of God?

Giving it some thought, I think I may have figured it out. At least partially. Being a man takes wisdom and love. Wisdom to know and APPLY the Word. Love to love God with all your heart, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Rock On.

27 May 2006

Late Night Conversations with a Battle Buddy

I don't know how to describe it. Simply inspiring.

Last night (OK, so I got in at One AM and am typing this shortly thereafter. Does it still count as tonight?), I went to see X-Men 3 with my friend, Hunter. That's not the awesome part (the movie was sub-par). Afterwards, we sat around and talked for two hours. The discussion covered almost everything imaginable. It was one of the most intense spiritual moments ever.

I hear people talking about there accountability partners all the time, but have never really had one. But after tonight, let me tell you: hearing people talk about how important they are can never prepare you for when you actually find one.

Go. Get one. Now.

Rock on.

23 May 2006

Graduation and Such

This weekend was, well, this weekend. I got out of school on Tuesday (w00t) and had Wednesday to do nothing (double w00t). Then my grandparents arrived on Wednesday night, I had Awards Night practice and Baccalaureate(sp) on Thursday, followed by FCA (yeah, I went to school at 6:45 after being released), Graduation practice, and picking up my sister on Friday. Saturday held the longest four hours of my life: Senior Awards Night. Then Sunday: Grajamanation (i is edukatet. i is a hi skool gradate!) and the awesomenastic party put on by the school. Oh, the fun.

And today? Uber sleep!

Random rambling about my week aside, there was something odd about Graduation. For the past few weeks (since Prom, really), I've had this feeling of, "Oh, crud. I'm not ready for this." But as I walked across the stage on Sunday night, those feelings kinda vanished. I realized that I'm going to miss my friends, but now I'm moving on to bigger things. No, I'm not ready to make it in the real world yet. That's what college is for.

Rock on.

16 May 2006

Three Years In a Shoebox, Four Years On a Bookshelf

Today is the last day of my senior year. As with the end of each school year, I have turned in everythign: my JROTC uniform, my textbooks, and my library books. My locker has been cleaned out and is now back to the valiant shade of school-gray.

Looking back at four years of high school, I realized something. What do I have to show for it? All of my ribbons, medals, ranks, and other various uniform items from JROTC, three years, worth of memories, are sitting in a shoebox in my room. Four years worth of yearbooks and FCA ministry material now sit on my bookshelf. I can't help but think: Is this all I have to show for my time in school? A few books and ribbons?

Or is there something more? Is there something more to high school than just the activities that I was involved in and the classes I took? In fact, there is. Over four years, I have great memories. Everything from the pseudo-philosophical conversations at Bible study ("They will know we are Christians by are kilts") to the random with friends (filming hobos in Colorado) to the just plain weird in class (Mr. Wisner's analysis of the Smurfs as Communist). I can look back on high school and say that I not only learned the curriculum, but I also learned about life. I can discuss both the impact of World War I on the Vietnam War and why it's a bad idea to eat six Zebra cakes in under five minutes (don't ask).

Rock on.

08 May 2006


I was very surprised by prom. I had been expecting to have a good time with my friends before the dance (which I did), but I actually had fun at the dance. Weird.

Before hand, I picked up Bug, Ruth, Melanie, and Stephen (Steven?), and we went to se M:i III (all of my predictions came true: there was a rogue agent, people wore masks, and Ving Rhames wore expensive clothing). After the movie, to Outback! Four loaves of bread and a bloomin' onion (which lasted two minutes, at most) later, we dropped Steve off and got to the dance around 10. After the dance, we went to Sonic (oh, malts, how I love thee).

In other news, I actually danced. Go figure.

Rock on.

03 May 2006

Today, I am a Man (I Hope)

Today I turned 18. In my mind this is the most important birthday I will have. It ranks one out of three: 13, 18, and 50.

In Jewish culture, when a boy turns 13, he becomes a man after under going a Bar Mitvah. In today's society, 13 still marks the age at which a child gains more trust and responsibility.

50 marks a half-century of life, and all the knowledge that comes with it.

18, however, marks something else entirely. It marks the point at which a person can finally give back to society. Instead of just taking up resources, one can finally work to create them. Instead of complaining about the world, a person can finally change it. Instead of merely enjoying freedom, one can finally defend it.

Rock on.