05 August 2009

Did you know...

...that Christopher Hitchens sends his daughter to a private Quaker school?

That's what he said when he was interviewed by the Commonwealth Club of California.

He was asked which religion he detests the least, and gave the response that even the Quakers make the mistake of viewing faith as a good thing.

It is of the highest order of hypocrisy to claim that religion poisons everything and then send a child, your child, to a religious institution.

Rock on.


jonathan said...

Maybe Mr. Hitchens is doing it because the school's a high quality school. Much of Britain's been going to the dogs lately and it's hard to find a good school to raise children the right way.

Perhaps he had no other recourse than this one school. Besides, many private schools, even the more secular ones, tend to have a more semi-religious nature. No matter what my beliefs I'd still like my children to have the best in a country that's largely going bloody downhill recently.

rocksalive777 said...

But his belief that religion poisons everything is irreconcilable to the idea of sending a child to a religious school.

Even if it is the best school in the world, it is still religious, and therefore poisonous.

To say that the poison should be eliminated and then willingly poison a child is still hypocrisy, no matter his reasons.

jonathan said...

Hypocrisy? Yes.

But as I've said, perhaps he has no other choice. Let's say hypothetically that there were 100 schools in your country, 99 of them being vermin-infested hovels where knife violence, gang warfare, and other vices were the norm(if you lived in Britain, you would know this). Then there's that one school which happens to be religious, but at the same time, one of the best in the country.

I think any fellow, whether he be an Atheist or Christian chap, would choose the higher quality school, regardless of religious affiliation. Personally, I believe Mr. Hitchens is doing this out of necessity and out of love for his children.

rocksalive777 said...

Perhaps this is true of Britain. But Hitchen's position is that religion is the worst thing in the world -- the source of all ills. If he were to follow his own teaching, the lesser of two evils would be the non-religious school.

But the state of education is a moot point, as Hitchens, a best selling author and lecturer, has access to private schools the world over, and as an American citizen (as of 2007), has access to the non-hell hole school system in the US.

jonathan said...

"But the state of education is a moot point, as Hitchens, a best selling author and lecturer, has access to private schools the world over, and as an American citizen (as of 2007), has access to the non-hell hole school system in the US."

You are correct about Mr. Hitchens' wealth and influence, sir. But I wouldn't go so far as to say the US has a great education system.

Perhaps, however, he is sending his own child there to act as a sleeper cell for the Quaker school so that his own daughter can argue with the Christian schoolchildren there. It may just be a tactic for spreading his own beliefs.